Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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03/27/19 SR -- Re: Schedule Changes and Pharmacist Unit Assignment - starting 4/8

From: Samantha Rustamov
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 2:40:49 PM
Subject: Re: Schedule Changes and Pharmacist Unit Assignment - starting 4/8

Additional note:
E10 - may report directly to PSP at 1130 (starting Monday, 4/8)


----- Original Message -----
From: Samantha Rustamov
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 1:58:48 PM
Subject: Schedule Changes and Pharmacist Unit Assignment - starting 4/8

Due to staffing shortages, as of Monday, 4/8, we are no longer able to staff a "e" position. Please see updated unit assignments attached for HHM.

Important Shift Time Changes:
I3 0830-1700
UB 6 1330-2400

Other notes:
UB 11 - will work out of Central Pharmacy from 1130-1330 and cover the UB 6 orders
UB 12 - will work out of Central Pharmacy from 1800-2200
Q1, Q2, Q3 have been renamed for scheduling purposes - please pay close attention to your schedule

Thanks to all for being flexible with these assignments! Please let me know what feedback you have or if unit assignments should be altered.

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