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03/26/19 KS -- Dialysis Power Plan Updates and Fixes for Albumin on Hemapharesis Orders

From: Katie Sims
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 3:00:36 PM
Subject: Dialysis Power Plan Updates and Fixes for Albumin on Hemapharesis Orders

Attachment: Hemapharesis Albumin Orders

We are working on a lot of Dialysis Power Plan fixes that I'm hoping will make workflow for these patients a whole lot smoother! Probably the most notable update is that the NEPH Hemodialysis Power Plan is going to be phased. This means that it can be ordered with the dialysis medications in the planned state while the patient is on the floor and initiated by the Dialysis nurse when they arrive in the dialysis unit. These changes will be reviewed by the Clinical Content Committee next Wednesday (4/3), and moved to production ASAP!  


In the meantime, please see the attached tip sheet for how to handle the albumin orders from the NEPH Hemapheresis Therapeutic Orders Power Plan. 


Please let me know if you have any questions.

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