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03/08/19 MD -- SOLU-Medrol and DEPO-Medrol confusion

From: Michele Durda

Sent: Friday, March 8, 2019 3:53:20 PM

Subject: SOLU-Medrol and DEPO-Medrol confusion


We have had 2 errors in the past week where a pharmacist has erroneously selected DEPO-Medrol during product assignment instead of SOLU-Medrol. The error reached the patient in both cases. Both cases occurred after the physician had modified a previous order and changed the dose; resulting in a need to change the product assignment. Multum (Cerner's drug database) lists both methlyprednisolone products under the same generic name entry. Therefore, they are both options for product assignment for these orders. I have attached a screen shot of the current product assignment screen; DEPO-Medrol sorts to the top. Aaron is updating the product description for DEPO-Medrol to include acetate - so these products will sort to the bottom. The bottom screenshot from the test system shows this change. Katie is working on adding a pop-up alert to DEPO-Medrol products that will indicate that they are for IM use only. When selecting products for product assignment, please read the entire description carefully - be sure and expand the field if necessary.


Michele Durda, Pharm.D.

Medication Safety/Drug Utilization Pharmacist Huntsville Hospital

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