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02/16/19 BS -- Re: TPN Power Form Issue

From: Berkley Sykes
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2019 7:35:50 AM
Subject: Re: TPN Power Form Issue

Please note **cyclic** in TPN comments so that PSP will know to leave out the overfill.




Berkley Sykes, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Manager - Sterile Products Services

From: Katie Sims

To: Pharmacists

Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 1:21:36 PM

Subject: TPN Power Form Issue



When entering TPN ingredients in the TPN power form, the most recent ingredient amounts are automatically pulled forward. When an ingredient that was previously in the tpn is removed , we need to be updating the ingredient amount to 0. When we backspace/delete or leave the ingredient we are removing blank, it will continue to pull the most recent # value forward (skipping the blank one). This means that the summary information that you are copying/pasting into the TPN comment field will also contain the ingredient that's been removed with a value of zero. Please manually delete this line to avoid any confusion.



Also please make sure that you don't leave the first line of the TPN label blank. If the first line in the comment field is blank, the comments won't print at all.



Please let me know if you have any questions.




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