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02/11/19 KS -- FYI Pharmacy Order Image

From: Katie Sims
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2019 7:42:29 PM
Subject: FYI Pharmacy Order Image

As we are getting more familiar with scanned orders in Cerner, I wanted to pass along a few things we've  learned today:

  • The order image is linked to the patient in MedManager (see details below). When you process your orders in MedManager, it will automatically complete the order in the order image queue which removes the order from the queue. 
  • If your order image ghosts you, don't panic! Completed orders can be accessed by changing the status filter.

Please see below for more detailed information about this process.






When you open a patient's chart in MedManager and launch phaordimage, you'll notice the red line striked through the order image application, meaning that the pharmacy order image is not tied to a particular patient:

unlinked -- cerner


Once the order is associated to the patient, the red line goes away and the chart is associated to the order in pharmacy order image:

linked -- cerner

Processing Orders:

Once the order is completed in MedManager, it will also "complete" the order image. Once an order image is complete, it will automatically be removed from the queue in pharmacy order image. 

processing orders -- cerner

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