Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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02/11/19 BG -- ED-PODG Pyxis medication loading process change

From: Becky Ginn
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 12:53:02 PM
Subject: 7T-M, 3SWM, and ED-PODG Pyxis medication loading process change

Beginning today we will also start loading needed medications into patients admitted to both 7T-M and 3NWM. Please treat these units like any other nursing unit (just like ED-PODG). Use the same 'rules' for loading into these two units as described below. Let me know if you have questions.

Thanks, Becky

From: Becky Ginn
Sent: 11 February, 2019 12:34 PM
To: PharmTechs Main Central; Pharmacists
Subject: ED-PODG Pyxis medication loading process change
Importance: High


Effective immediately, pharmacy will pend/load needed medications into EDPODG just as we do other nursing unit Pyxis machines. TECHS: for most medications, a 5-day supply will be sufficient. If you know the medication to be a popular med, you may load more into the Pyxis.

This machine has been changed to a PROFILE status this morning thus allowing the Cerner orders to cross over to Pyxis via the patients' profiles! This should significantly decrease the MED REQUESTS (i.e. resupplies) for those observation patients in Pod G.

At this time we are NOT loading into Pods A-F as these patients are not 'long-term' patients.


Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital

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