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02/04/19 BG -- Carousel Item Name UPDATES for otic and ophthalmic products

From: Becky Ginn
Sent: 04 February, 2019 04:04 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: Carousel Item Name UPDATES for otic and ophthalmic products

In an effort to reduce the potential for manual pick errors, the item names (in the carousel software) for all ophthalmic and otic products has been edited to indicate that it is for the **EYE** or the **EAR**. The designation is noted immediately after the generic name of the product. See examples below.

The reason for this change is to address the recent increase in errors associated with picking/dispensing TOPICAL vs. TOPICAL OPHTHALMIC/OTIC products. The hope is that this will make these products stand out from similar looking and sounding products when picking from the carousel. Let me know if you have questions.

NOTE: This change is being implemented based on a recommendation from the Pharmacy's QRR Review Committee that meets weekly to evaluate reported medication-related QRRs. Please report near misses and medication errors so that we can continue to make our medication process safer for our patients.


Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital

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