Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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02/01/18 AK -- 1Chart (Cerner) Hospice Order Verification

From: Andrew Koehler
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019 2:58:38 PM
Subject: 1Chart (Cerner) Hospice Order Verification
Attachments: Q Responsibilities - HFC - Cerner Update


Please see the attached document for changes related to Hospice order verification with the change from HCS fax back to 1Chart order image.

The Highlights:
1. HCS is going away and hospice will be using 1Chart order image for order verification. Hospice is not be registering patients in 1Chart so there is no longer a need to attach the B number to a faxed order.

2. Orders will populate in the "Error" queue in Order Image. This is because Hospice patients will not have associated 1Chart bar codes. Pharmacists covering hospice will have to monitor the "Error" queue for new orders.

3. Instead of moving orders to the "Nurse Follow-up" queue like in HCS, Hospice orders will have to be printed and manually faxed to 256-880-2929. Please make use of the pre-built stamps in order image or free text comments on to the order before printing. If all orders are ok, please stamp or type "Verified" and fax back. If individual orders need clarification, please add comments so the nurses know what to correct.

4. After the order has been printed and faxed, you can delete the order from the queue. These orders will not be stored electronically. Place the printed order in the bin marked HOSPICE (one bin in central and one by the Q desk) once it has been faxed. I will periodically collect these copies.

Otherwise, the process is the same as before. We will still compare the written orders to the entered order in NetSmart and we will still be checking for dosing, interactions, allergies and drug appropriateness.

Thank you for all your help in caring for our hospice patients.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Andrew Koehler, Pharm.D., BCACP
Supervising Pharmacist - Hospice Family Care Pharmacy

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