Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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01/31/19 JA -- Pharmacist Required Cerner Inservice - Feb 4-6

From: Jack Adams
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2019 5:25:14 PM
Subject: Pharmacist Required Cerner Inservice - Feb 4-6

If you are working as part of the Cerner pharmacy conversion team during the weekend of February 9th/10th - please attend one of the following inservices listed below.

We will review the process for converting certain order types, and we will discuss the conversion timeline, contingency plans, and other logistics. You will receive directions to the Cochran center/ specific classroom location for conversion. You will receive instructions for parking, and information related to time and attendance documentation for your extra shift.

Mon Feb 4th- 1300-1345 - Dowdle 119C
Mon Feb 4th- 1400-1445 - Dowdle 119C
Tues Feb 5th- 1300-1345 - Dowdle 119C
Tues Feb 5th- 1400-1445 - Dowdle 119C
Wed Feb 6th- 1300-1345 - Dowdle 148
Wed Feb 6th- 1400-1445 - Dowdle 148

Note - if you are working a regularly scheduled shift (covering patient care during downtime), you are welcome to join us, but not "required" to attend.

If you are unable to attend due to unexpected circumstances, or not being at work during any of these opportunities, contact your supervisor/manager so they can share information with you individually before conversion begins.


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