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01/22/19 JA -- Training Update and Conversion Staffing Request

From: Jack Adams
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 5:46:57 PM
Subject: Training Update and Conversion Staffing Request

-Thank you for attending the Cerner Refresher Inservice. We fully understand it is not easy for everyone to participate and/or cover for others while our census is so high. Also, thank you for signing up for the Cerner Practice B (4hr) sessions. Approximately 98% of you are scheduled for this training and multiple slots are still available between now and Feb 7th. If after completing the PB session, you need to sign up for a 2nd PB class, go to the google docs link to check availability or contact Joseph Ho. If you need to request an individual session with one of our designated trainers on a certain topic, please submit that request to Joseph Ho and we will do our best to help you.

-Remember to put in a "schedule request" (in Schedule Anywhere) to your supervisor for day/time that you are unavailable to work the extra required shift during our conversion process.

-Send Samantha Rustamov a text or email ASAP regarding the early Sat AM conversion opportunity, and any extended days or blocks of time that you are available to assist with conversion weekend - above the minimum expectation.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Jack Adams, RPh.
Pharmacy Operations Manager

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