Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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01/18/19 JA -- Cerner Conversion/Staffing - 3 ITEMS

From: Jack Adams
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 7:15:52 PM
Subject: Cerner Conversion/Staffing - 3 ITEMS

#1 Extra Shift for Conversion
It has been determined every pharmacist will be needed and required at minimum to work one extra shift during the Cerner conversion and go-live (2/9 - 2/17). You will be paid straight time for this extra shift above and beyond your normal paid time (retail pharmacists are exempt from the requirement).

A majority of these extra shifts will be needed for the conversion process on Saturday, February 9th and Sunday, February 10th. The remaining extra shifts will be on the days following go-live for staffing support. These shifts will be assigned based on current shift assignment and seniority, when possible.

In order to determine this schedule, please submit a "schedule request" (in Schedule Anywhere) to your supervisor for date(s)/time during 2/9-2/17 that you are unavailable to work the required extra shift. We will do our best to accommodate these requests, and schedule your extra shift another day.

Our goal is to produce a schedule for the conversion weekend and a post go-live support schedule by Friday January 25th. In order accomplish this task, we need all "schedule requests" for the period 2/9 - 2/17 submitted before noon on Wednesday Jan 23rd.

#2 Early Conversion Shift Opportunity
As a result of timing tests for our conversion process, and the expected higher census in Feb (vs. Nov), we are adding an additional 8 hour conversion shift to begin early AM on Sat 2/9. This shift will begin at 2AM in the pharmacist training room on the 2nd floor of Dowdle.

Aaron Atkins will be coordinating this first team. We are looking for 8-10 pharmacists that are interested in this shift. If no one signs up, we will be calling/assigning the shift to some of you. If you would like to be added to the early team please contact Sam ASAP.

#3 Additional Conversion Staffing Needed (does not apply to pharmacists that are in the schedule on conversion weekend)
As a result of timing tests for our conversion process, and the expected higher census in Feb (vs. Nov), we need some of you to work more than the minimum 8 hour conversion shift. This may be done by working an extended shift (paid hours), or by working both Sat and Sun of conversion weekend.

If you are able to work a longer shift and/or both Sat and Sun please contact Sam ASAP.

Thanks for you help as we prepare for the Cerner go-live.

Jack Adams
Pharmacy Operations Manager

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