Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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01/16/17 BG -- Pharmacy Dept. to stop manually adding DOB/MRN to labels/sheets

From: Becky Ginn
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2017 3:27 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: Pharmacy Dept. to stop manually adding DOB/MRN to labels/sheets
Importance: High


On February 1, 2017 HH Main, PSP, HHWC, and Madison Hospital pharmacies will stop manually adding date of birth (DOB) and/or medical record number (MRN) to pharmacy-generated, patient-specific labels/sheets (i.e. C2Safe sheets).

This will include:
MILT labels
Pyxis C2Safe transaction sheets
Carousel "Manual Pick" labels
DYMO labels
iCare "free form" labels
Baxter ABACUS TPN labels

Labels that WILL continue to have DOB and/or MRN printed:
iCare labels
PharmacyKeeper labels (The DOB is auto populated via an interface from iCare)

The reasons for this change:
1. Pharmacy-generated labels/sheets are intended to only provide a "delivery address".
2. Nursing policy does not allow a pharmacy-generated label to be used as a primary source for the required 2 patient identifiers. We do not want to foster this practice by adding DOB and/or MRN.
3. Manually adding DOB or MRN is an error-prone process that can have unintended consequences.

**NOTE: It is not against policy to add DOB and/or MRN to our labels/sheets. There may be clinical situations in which a pharmacist feels it is best practice to add DOB or MRN. If you choose to add DOB/MRN, make sure it is accurate as errors may lead to a QRR in which violation of the 2 patient identifier policy will have to be defended.

If you have a nurse who questions the DOB/MRN missing from a label, you may 'educate' him/her on the nursing policy that states only iCare or the physician's order sheet are to be used to confirm the medication before administration.

If you have questions about this, please refer them to your supervisor or manager.


Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital
Pharmacy Manager - Central Operations

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