Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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01/04/19 JA -- Cerner Training Update #6

From: Jack Adams

To: Pharmacists

Sent: Friday, January 11, 2019 4:29:18 PM

Subject: Cerner Training Update #6


Pharmacist Refresher Inservice :


As of today, 54 employees have attended the Cerner Pharmacist Refresher Inservice.

Last 2 classes being offered are:

- Tues 1/15 1300-1430 - Corp Univ. Rm 119A

- Wed 1/16 1300-1430 - Corp Univ. Rm 119C Reminder - no need to register - just make every effort to attend if you haven't already.


IF you have NOT yet attended, and IF you have a conflict with these last 2 days/times, please contact your supervisor ASAP.

You may be able to participate in the 0730 class being held on Wed 1/16 (originally designated for night shift employees). To participate in the 0730 Wed 1/16 class, please email Joseph Ho to be sure he has a PC designated for you.


Practice B (PB) Module Update:


We have opened additional PB module sessions. Please do not register for a 2nd PB session until all pharmacists have the opportunity to sign up for their initial PB module. Remember the quality of the training experience will depend on how well you and a designated partner are able to input orders. Between now and your PB module, please make an effort to find time and practice.


The PB Module takes approximately 3.5 hours to complete. You must attend the Cerner Pharmacist Refresher Inservice prior to completing the PB module. Hours spent on the PB module are above and beyond your scheduled staffing. Upon completion of the PB module, you will be paid for a 4 hour shift at straight time. Please complete the required PB paperwork in order to receive credit and be paid. Compare practice openings carefully to your current schedule - Do Not Double Book .


Steps to schedule/ reschedule/ cancel PB time in google docs:

  1. select the link provided: PB link

  1. select the day and time you want to attend 3. type your name and ID into the block you have selected - it will auto save upon closure 4. if you need to delete or reschedule, go back to the block you selected and delete your name and ID - it will auto save upon closure.

note - a PB session may be cancelled if only one participant signs up for the session


Periodically check schedule anywhere for updates to your individual schedule between now and the Cerner conversion weekend. Specialty classes (TOC, Onc, W/C, Procedural, and Support) will be placed on your schedule by your supervisor/manager during your normal scheduled shifts to work when/if possible.


Thanks for your continued support as we ramp up for Cerner.

Please contact Jack or Joseph with any questions or concerns.








From: Jack Adams

To: Pharmacists

Sent: Monday, January 7, 2019 4:33:46 PM

Subject: Cerner Training Update #5 - Correction and Update

Attachment: PracticeModuleSession



The refresher inservice being offered on Thursday 1/10 (see email below) is actually from 1300 -1430 (it has been corrected - original email listed it as 1200-1430).


PB Update:

We will be working in pairs during the PB module. The quality of the training experience will depend on how well you and a designated partner are able to input orders. So, between now and your PB module, please make an effort to find time and practice using the PA materials attached. Instructions to login and gain access to train patients are listed below.


*Note - you are welcome to sign up with a partner in the same PB session, but this is not required. Everyone will be paired up with another pharmacist at the start of each PB session.


Access to the Train environment:

Log onto 1Chart-Train using your network login, then select Powerchart, then enter username and password, and work on a patient as listed below.


-Please remember that any actions taken on a train patient will be removed and refreshed back to the ‘standard’ patient each day. Orders placed/modified in the system will not continue to the following day.


- USER NAME : During CORE training you were provided a tip sheet on how to log in to the TRAIN environment. Since future Training classes will use the NEW Train environment there are no longer limitations on which user name login to use in the old Train environment. However, please be aware that others may be using this same user log in that day and so user-specific settings may be altered as you are navigating the system if another is using the same chosen login. You can use any pharmacist user name for login to the applications (pharmacist1, pharmacist2, pharmacist3…through pharmacist40—there are no other pharmacist logins past 40).


NOTE - password is "training"


- TRAIN PATIENTS : Since future Training classes will use the NEW Train environment, there are less limitations on which patient to pick for practice purposes. For Practice, please still select ONLY patients with a last name beginning with “Pharmadult” (last name examples below). As with user logins, since these are shared patients, please be aware that others may be using the same patient at the same time or during the same day. Therefore, you may see orders/actions on the patient that are not actions taken by yourself. ‘Pharmadult’ patient’s last names range from ‘Pharmadultwo’ to ‘Pharmadultfifty’…feel free to use any of these patients for practice purposes—those listed below are only examples.


Pharmadultforty six

Pharmadultforty seven

Pharmadultforty eight

Pharmadultforty nine






Jack Adams, RPh.

Pharmacy Operations Manager


From: Jack Adams

To: Pharmacists

Sent: Friday, January 4, 2019 4:52:33 PM

Subject: Cerner Training Update #5 - Additional Requirements


Cerner Training update:


All pharmacists (inpatient and TOC) have completed C1,C2, C3 training and the corresponding PA module. On Mon Jan 7th we will begin the 5 week countdown leading up to our Cerner conversion weekend on Feb 9th/10th.


Week 5 - Pharmacist Refresher Inservices Week 4 - Continue Refresher Inservices + TOC support classes Week 3, 2,1 - Specialty classes, Support classes, and Practice B modules


Next required steps for inpatient and TOC pharmacists:

#1 If you completed the C1,C2 and C3 courses you are required to attend ONE of the Cerner Pharmacy Refresher Inservices listed below

- Tues 1/8 1300-1430 - Corp Univ. Rm 148

- Wed 1/9 1300-1430 - Corp Univ. Rm 119C

- Thurs 1/10 1200-1430 - Corp Univ. Rm 119C

- Tues 1/15 1300-1430 - Corp Univ. Rm 119A

- Wed 1/16 1300-1430 - Corp Univ. Rm 119A


we will have a small class at 7:30 AM during week 5 and again on week 4 for night shift employees - these will be "scheduled" for those employees we will be meeting with Madison on Monday with regards to their plan retail pharmacists do not need to attend


* Please cover for each other to allow all to attend this required inservice. If you have problems with staffing coverage, please contact your supervisor/manager so we can make this available to everyone. You do not need to reserve a seat - just show up and sign in on the attendance roster.


#2 Sign up for a time to complete the Practice B (PB) Module (4 hours) - location Dowdle 2nd floor pharmacy training room . You must attend a refresher inservice prior to completing the PB module. Hours spent on the PB module are above and beyond your scheduled staffing. Starting today you can sign up for a session on week 4 or week 3. After additional schedules are posted, we will open up PB sessions for week 2 and week 1. Upon completion of the PB module, you will be paid for a 4 hour shift at straight time. Please complete the required PB paperwork in order to receive credit and be paid. Compare practice openings carefully to your current schedule - Do Not Double Book . We will have a total of 19 PB sessions available to choose from - the initial 7 are available now via the link provided below.


Steps to schedule/ reschedule/ cancel PB time in google docs:

  1. select the link provided:
  2. select the day and time you want to attend 3. type your name and ID into the block you have selected 4. delete your name and ID from the block if you want to cancel 5. close the window you are in and your name/ID will automatically save to the document (open the link again to verify as needed) note - a PB session may be cancelled if only one participant signs up for the session


#3 Periodically check schedule anywhere for updates to your individual schedule between now and the Cerner conversion weekend. Specialty classes (TOC, Onc, W/C, Procedural, and Support) will be placed on your schedule by your supervisor/manager during your normal scheduled shifts to work when/if possible.


Thanks for you continued support as we ramp up for Cerner.


Please contact Jack or Joseph with any questions or concerns.






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