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12/04/18 BG -- prescription pads/sheets - changes to sending from C2Safe at Main

From: Becky Ginn  
Sent: 04 December, 2018 01:32 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: prescription pads/sheets - changes to sending from C2Safe at Main

Pertaining to HH Main only:

Before today, prescription PADS were dispensed from the C2Safe as 1 pad of 100 sheets = 1. Then they were loaded/refilled into Pyxis as SHEETS (1 full PAD = 100 sheets).

Beginning today (at Main) prescription SHEETS from the C2Safe are now counted in eaches (1 sheet = 1) just as they are in Pyxis.

The formulary entry in the HH Main C2Safe has been changed from PRESCRIPTION PAD to PRESCRIPTION SHEETS (to match the Pyxis nomenclature).

Many Pyxis locations (with low usage) have also had the MAX/MIN reduced from 100/20 to 10/3 or 20/6. This is being done to minimize diversion risks.

Narc Techs: PLEASE when dispensing from the C2Safe, use the partial packs to refill lower amounts (10-20). Some high use locations still need a full pad of 100 for a refill so use the full pads of 100 only for refilling those Pyxis machines.

Let me know if you have questions.



Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital

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