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11/26/18 BG --Pharmacy Call Center - go live tomorrow Tuesday, Nov 27th

From: Becky Ginn
Sent: 26 November, 2018 04:22 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: Pharmacy Call Center - go live tomorrow Tuesday, Nov 27th

Tomorrow morning we will go live with the Pharmacy Services Call Center.


With this first phase of the Call Center, callers to Main Central Pharmacy (5-8282) will hear a recorded message that will instruct the caller to press a number associated with different areas of pharmacy. Technicians in the Call Center will troubleshoot calls for Main Central Pharmacy and triage TOC callers to the correct pharmacist/technician. Other pharmacy areas will be answered in their respective area after the caller presses the correct number to access that pharmacy area.


The Call Center's hours of operation will initially be Mon-Fri 0700-1500, but we anticipate this will expand as we add more pharmacy areas. Please speak favorable about the call center to nurses and other hospital staff as we feel that this will eventually improve our service. Stay tuned for updates as we learn more about what we're doing. :-)


Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital

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