Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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11/19/18 JA -- Cerner Go-live date - Weekend of Feb 9th

From: Jack Adams
Sent: 19 November, 2018 10:38 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: Cerner Go-live date - Weekend of Feb 9th

Last Friday IT Leadership announced to our project team that the target date for Cerner Conversion has shifted to the weekend of February 9th.

We are in the process of rescheduling pharmacist Core 1-3 refresher training and planning the schedule for S1 classes, Pharmacist Practice B modules (4hr), TOC tech training, W/C training, and other specialty refresher courses as needed. A training outline of what will occur each week from Jan 8th - Feb 10th is listed below.

From a scheduling perspective, we will restrict - and at times freeze ETO between January 14th and March 1st in order to have resources needed for training, conversion, and post go-live support.

A general ETO guideline is also listed below.

As previously planned, every pharmacist staff member will be needed and required, at minimum, to work one extra 8-hour shift during the Cerner conversion and go-live process (2/8 - 2/17). You will be paid straight time for this extra shift above and beyond your normal paid time.

A majority of these extra shifts will be needed on Saturday, February 9th. The remaining extra shifts will be on days following the go-live for staffing support. Extra shifts will be assigned based on current shift assignment and seniority, when possible.

As it gets closer, we will ask you to submit a "schedule request" (in Schedule Anywhere) to your supervisor for date(s)/time during 2/9 - 2/17 that you are unavailable to work the required extra shift. We will do our best to accommodate these requests, and schedule your extra shift another day. 

 - Retail and 3rd-shift pharmacists are excluded from this extra shift requirement.

Pharmacy Training Outline (Jan 8th - Golive Feb 10th):
Jan 8 - Jan 11:  Pharmacy Refresher Inservices + TOC support classes
Jan 14 - Jan 19: Pharmacy Refresher Inservices + TOC support classes + Practice B modules (4 hr) 
Jan 21 - Jan 26: Practice B modules (4 hr) + S1 classes + specialty classes
Jan 28 - Feb 2: Practice B modules (4hr) + S1 classes + specialty classes
Feb 4 - Feb 6: Final training/practice as needed
Feb 7 - Feb 9: Conversion
Feb 10th - Cerner Go-live Day

Pharmacy ETO Guideline (Jan 14th - Mar 1st):
Jan 14 - Jan 20: ETO Restricted
Jan 21 - Feb 17: ETO Frozen
Feb 18 - Mar 1: ETO Restricted

ETO may be granted during the restricted periods listed above for a limited quantity of shifts (date of request, shift assignment and seniority will be taken into consideration).
ETO should not be taken during the frozen period listed above unless previously authorized by your supervisor and/or during an emergency situation.

If you have additional questions please let me know.  If the timeline shifts again, we will move dates accordingly.
Thank you for your patience as we work to transition to Cerner.

Jack Adams, RPh.
Pharmacy Operations Manager

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