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11/14/18 AW -- Updated Ancef Alternatives for Documented MSSA Infections Including Neonate/Pediatric Dosing

From: Amanda Williams (Pharmacy)
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 1:07:52 PM
Subject: Updated Ancef Alternatives for Documented MSSA Infections Including Neonate/Pediatric Dosing
Attachments: Ancef alternatives for MSSA infections

Please review the attached updated Ancef alternatives chart that includes neonate and pediatric dosing in addition to adult dosing. If you have questions/concerns regarding neonate/pediatric dosing, please call Amanda Williams (53919) or Patrick Newman (53896).



Amanda W. Williams, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCPPS

Pediatric Clinical Pharmacy Specialist


From: Jonathan Edwards
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 8:32:25 AM
Subject: Re: Ancef Alternatives for Documented MSSA Infections
Attachments: Ancef alternatives for MSSA infections


As many of you may know we have just received word that cefazolin is on back-order and is expected to remain so until Fall of next year. At this time we are going to attempt to reserve our remaining supply for perioperative use.

For other indications (e.g. MSSA endocarditis/bacteremia, MSSA SSTI) we will need to recommend alternative therapies to our physicians when cefazolin is being ordered for indications other than surgical prophylaxis. This will require a phone call to the physician if you receive an order for cefazolin in order to recommend an alternative therapy.  Attached is a word document outlining recommended alternative therapies to cefazolin specifically when providing therapy for known/suspected MSSA infections as cefazolin is infrequently used empirically. AMT will be monitoring this as well through Sentri7.

If for any reason you feel uncomfortable making a recommendation to a physician based on the attached document, or are uncertain of the appropriate recommendation to make, please feel free to consult your AMT via SpectraLink (50286) or email.

Thank you,

Jonathan D. Edwards, Pharm. D., BCPS-AQ ID, BCGP
Pharmacy Specialist, Internal Medicine & Infectious Disease

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