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11/12/18 AB -- Christmas Charity 2018

From: April Brooks
Sent: 12 November, 2018 10:55 AM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: Christmas Charity 2018

As you know, every year employees of the pharmacy department choose a local charity to sponsor during Christmas. Again, this year, (our 10th year!!) we have chosen to sponsor the Salvation Army through their Adopt-An-Angel program. We currently have twenty four angels to adopt. I have listed the ages of the angels below. If you would like to adopt an angel, please email me and I will get your angel information to you as soon as possible.

When shopping for your angel, please keep in mind that these may be the only gifts they receive this Christmas. Ideally, we would like for around $100 to be spent on each angel. If you are unable to donate this amount personally, we encourage you to share in the adoption of an angel with your co-workers. For example, five employees might join together to adopt one angel. If you wish to make a monetary donation, April and Christina will do the shopping. 
** ALL Donations are due back in by 7am. on  December 7th, 2018. **  (All gifts are to be unwrapped)
We have experienced tremendous success in the past with our annual Christmas drive, and we look forward to continued success this year. Thanks in advance to all of those who are able to participate!

ANGELS: (ages)


1 yr
6 yr
7 yr
7 yr
7 yr
7 yr
9 yr
10 yr     

2 yr
2 yr
3 yr
4 yr
5 yr
5 yr
6 yr
6 yr
8 yr
8 yr
8 yr
9 yr
9 yr
10 yr

Thanks so much!

April T. Brooks, CPhT
PSP Technician Coordinator

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