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11/01/18 SR -- dexamethasone PF 10 mg/1 mL vials - backorder/alternative options

From: Samantha Rustamov

To: Pharmacists

Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2018 2:56:36 PM

Subject: dexamethasone PF 10 mg/1 mL vials - backorder/alternative options

Attachments: dexamethasone PF backorder information


Good afternoon,


Due to national backorder, we have not been able to reliably obtain the preservative-free (PF) dexamethasone. Please see attached doucment that was sent to OR leadership for distibution. Drug Information has reviewed literature for possible/available alternatives and there is very little regarding their toxicity OR safety. We will continue to provide the dexamethasone PF until the existing supply is depleted.


Let me know if you have any questions,



Samantha Rustamov, Pharm.D., BCPS

Supervisor, Pharmacy Professional Services Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy


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