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10/18/18 DC -- Huddle changes

From: David Collette

To: Pharmacy

Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 11:02:19 AM

Subject: Huddle changes



We are nearing the end of our trial period with Huddles and are making a few changes:



    * WE LISTENED! There was considerable feedback to stop the weekend Huddles and to possibly reduce the number of Huddles during the week. We are going to do BOTH! Beginning Monday, October 22, we will change the frequency of our Huddles to 3x/week - Monday-Wednesday-Friday. At that time, all functional areas [Madison, Retail (Main and MM), TOC, Main Central, Main 5th floor, PSP, and HHWC)] will be holding Huddles.

    * Please attend a Huddle every day that you are working

    * Please remember that our Huddles are TWO-WAY -- we want your feedback!

    * You are welcome to attend a Huddle for a different functional area occasionally, but remember that much of their focus may be on their specific area (e.g., PSP will discuss PSP issues and retail will discuss retail issues, etc.) and you may miss announcements that are geared for your area



Thanks for your participation. I have heard some positive feedback regarding the Huddles, including good attendance. As always, you input is welcome as we try to make Huddles more effective for our department.










David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP

Operations Manager, Professional Services Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy


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