Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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10/17/18 JA -- Cerner Pharmacist Training/Practice Update #4

From: Jack Adams

To: Pharmacists

Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 8:08:45 PM

Subject: Cerner Pharmacist Training/Practice Update #4



Due to recent delays in the Cerner project, we are in the process of restructuring our plan for training/retraining and practice going forward. Please read and follow the bolded sentences under Practice update


Training update:

We will continue with the last C3 class on Thursday (tomorrow). Once this class is over, all 113 identified pharmacists will have completed C1,C2, and C3 training. We have also completed all TOC pharmacist classes and all oncology specialty classes.


Our plan is to reschedule the remaining S1 training, TOC technician training, Procedural training, and W/C classes to occur closer to Cerner go-live. We will also offer/require C1-3 pharmacist refresher inservices during the weeks leading up to our new golive date. More information to follow as these timelines and schedules are developed.


Practice update:

As you remember, each pharmacist (with the exception of retail) must complete a 4 hour training module (PA) after C1 and C2 in order to receive a Cerner login. From my understanding, all of you have either completed this task or have self-scheduled it to occur in the next few weeks. We have also encouraged many of you to repeat the practice session especially if you were in one of the earlier Cerner classes.


We want you to continue with your current practice plan and complete the required 4 hr pharmacist practice (PA )module prior to Oct 30th.


Due to the Cerner delay, we would like to request that you cancel any secondary practice sessions at this time. Note - we will open up additional practice times closer to golive for you to complete this 2nd practice. We believe it will be more beneficial for you to schedule this session closer to our new golive date.

Reminder - hours spent completing the PA module are above and beyond your scheduled staffing. Upon completion of the PA module you will be paid for a 4 hour shift at straight time. Please complete the required PA paperwork in order to receive credit and be paid. Please compare practice openings carefully to your current schedule - Do Not Double Book . Some Saturday options are cancelled but many practice slots for the PA module are still available at this time.


Steps to schedule/ reschedule/ cancel practice time in google docs:

  1. select the link provided: -
  2. type your name and ID into the block you want to attend 3. delete your name and ID from the block if you want to cancel 4. close the window you are in and your name/ID will automatically save to the document (open the link again to verify as needed)


Note a PA session may be cancelled if only one participant signs up for the session


Please contact me with any questions or concerns.







I have included an email from Rick Corn - our CIO - in case you haven't had a chance to read the announcement.

----- Forwarded Message -----


From: Rick Corn





To all Huntsville Hospital Departmental Leadership:




As you are aware, Huntsville Hospital’s conversion to the Cerner EMR system has been one of the biggest internal initiatives ever implemented in our organization. When we began this process more than a year-ago, we set an aggressive stretch goal of November 4, 2018 as go-live. We’ve worked night and day to make that goal, but regretfully we realize that we must delay the implementation. This was Cerner’s recommendation to us. As we consider the work that remains to be completed, we agree it is the right thing to do. We simply do not believe that the work can be completed by October 26, which is our current “lock down date” after which we will restrict further changes as we prepare for go-live on November 4.




This delay will give us time to optimize the efforts around clinical staff workflow, transfer center build, some revenue cycle components and perform more testing around orders. We are confident that the time spent on additional testing and build will be well worth it for our patients and clinicians.




We are working with Cerner to re-establish a new go-live date after the Christmas holidays, and we will be developing a plan to keep our SMEs, Super Users, End Users and Medical Staff engaged. We do not expect anyone will be asked to repeat their training, however, we will provide opportunities for refresher courses and additional practices, if needed.




As soon as we have more details, we will share them with you. Thank you for your hard work and your patience as we continue to move our system into the future.



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