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10/11/18 MD -- Ketamine Addition to HEMSI LDBs

From: Mary Dang
Sent: 11 October, 2018 03:25 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: Ketamine Addition to HEMSI LDBs


Starting on Monday (10/15/18), HEMSI LDB kits will contain two Ketamine  50 mg/ml (10 ml) vials. The use for Ketamine will be for patients that are combative and have potential for harm to themselves and /or personnel present.

Adult Dosing:
1 mg/kg slow IVP
4 mg/kg IM

Pediatric Dosing:
0.2 mg/kg slow IVP (25 mg MAX)

We will start converting existing LDB kits Monday at 9A. The converted HEMSI LDB kits will have a "Ketamine" label affixed to the outside portion of the kit. Please let me know if you have any questions.



Mary Dang, Pharm.D.
Manager of Pharmacy Professional Services

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