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01/02/2017 BG -- Adult RSI kit-- fentaNYL change

From: Becky Ginn
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2017 8:36 AM
To: PharmTechs Main Central; PharmacistsMain Central
Cc: Christopher Strickland; Michele Durda; jeremy ray
Subject: Adult RSI kit - fentaNYL change STARTS TODAY!


Beginning today, the adult RSI kits will now contain 2 fentaNYL 100 mcg/2 mL ampules/vials. They previously contained 1 fentaNYL 250 mcg/5 mL vial.

As RSI kits are returned to the C2Safe, we will phase in the 100 mcg vials by replacing the 250 mcg vial with 2 x 100 mcg vials.

The reason for this change is to minimize the potential for dosing errors since ED only stocks the 100 mcg vials in their Pyxis machines....thus they are accustom to an entire vial only containing 100 mcg (not 250 mcg).


Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital
Manager Pharmacy Operations

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