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09/11/18 RC -- Humira First Dose Changes

There is an update to the Humira First Dose Program (160 mg Load Dose for IBD prescribed by GI MD).  A new preparation that is 80 mg/0.8 ml syringe will take the place of the previous 40 mg/0.8 ml. syringe.  This will mean only TWO syringes wil be used for loading dose instead of four.  There will be only one syringe per box now instead of two, this should be reflected when you log a supply in or out, we will be logging as individual boxes.  The new preparation is citrate free and thus more soluable and able to be more concentrated, decreasing the volume administered and the pain on injection to patients.  It will use a 27-29 G needle and is latex free.  We will be transitioning over to the new syringes in the near future. The order set is being adjusted to reflect the new strength.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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