Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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09/07/18 JA -- Cerner - Update #1 - with Attachment

From: Jack Adams

To: Pharmacists

Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 9:22:00 AM

Subject: Cerner - Update #1 - with Attachment



My mistake - document attached.




----- Forwarded Message -----


From: Jack Adams

To: Pharmacists

Cc: Hilary Robertson, Jamilah Lane

Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 7:20:07 PM

Subject: Cerner Pharmacist Training - Update #1

Attachment: Cerner pharmacist training 2


All pharmacists are required to complete Cerner Pharmacy Core1 (C1) and Core2 (C2) classes. Please check schedule anywhere to find the date/time you are scheduled to attend. Attached is an updated training document that includes location of the classes, some housekeeping details, and a general end user training and education timeline. Please read over this document prior to attending your first Cerner pharmacy training class.


Next on the list is for you to self-schedule a 4 hour practice session (PA ). PA must be completed in the Dowdle center pharmacy training room. Attendance roster and competency documentation related to PA must be completed in order for you to receive credit. Completing the PA module is required in order for you to obtain a Cerner login. We will provide a proctor in the room for all PA sessions to assist with questions and concerns.


Hours spent completing the PA module are above and beyond your scheduled staffing. Upon completion of the PA module you will be paid for a 4 hour shift at straight time. Schedules are now posted through October 6th, therefore we are allowing you to schedule practice time for the corresponding 2 week period (Sept 24th - Oct 6th). Please compare practice openings carefully to your current schedule - Do Not Double Book .


Note - 168 practice slots are available to sign up for between Sept 24th and Oct 6th. An additional (100+) slots will be opened during the following 2 weeks, and so on until Cerner go-live scheduled for early November. Keep in mind, all Saturdays in October are open for self-scheduled practice.


Steps to schedule PA in google docs:

  1. select the link provided: -
  2. type your name and ID into the block you want to attend 3. be sure your practice date/time is AFTER your scheduled C2 class 4. close the window you are in and your name/ID will automatically save to the document (open the link again to verify as needed)

* this document will be open for self scheduling from today until end of day Monday Sept 17th

* note a PA session may be cancelled and rescheduled if only one participant signs up for that session


All pharmacists are required to complete Core3 (C3) class . C3 classes will be held during the week of Oct 8th and Oct 15th. You will be scheduled for these classes by your supervisor (check schedule anywhere). One difference - practice for C3 is incorporated into the class


Specialty classes listed below will begin in mid October. Some of you will be scheduled (in schedule anywhere) for these classes as assigned by your manager/supervisor. You will be required to complete specialty practice module B (PB) after your specialty class - more information to follow. All the more reason to schedule PA now vs. waiting if you know you are taking a specialty class.


-Outpatient Oncology (2 hr class) - for pharmacists entering Outpatient Oncology power plans + PB ONC -TOC (4 hr class) - for pharmacists on the TOC team + PB TOC -Procedural (2 hr class) - for pharmacists providing services to OR patients and supporting various outpatient areas + PB Proc


Note - retail pharmacists are not required to complete C1, C2, C3. They will be scheduled for a Cerner overview/support class - closer to go-live.



Please contact me with any questions or concerns.




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