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08/29/18 MD -- Alaris

From: Michele Durda
Sent: 29 August, 2018 10:41 AM
To: Pharmacists
Subject: Fwd: Alaris
Attachment: Pump Management Plan Final W&C Go Live
Just FYI. The second round of Alaris pump roll-out occurred this morning. Main nursing units should be approaching 100% Alaris pump use in the next several days. You may get some questions about stepped infusions as the Hospira Plum Pumps start disappearing. You may refer pump questions to me if you don't know the answer.


From: Arin Zapf
To: Unit Directors, Clinical Nurse Specialists
Cc: Felicia West, Harsha Srikakolapu, Bradley Blackmon, Kenneth Holman, Joel Ferrell, Michele Durda, Janie Fielder, Emily Farmer
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 10:29:41 AM
Subject: Alaris

Good Morning,

Women’s and Children’s roll out of Alaris pumps went very well this morning, thank you to everyone who pitched in to help!
Additional poles were deployed yesterday to the units who needed them.
Nursing units at Main will begin seeing the transition to 100% Alaris as the distribution team replaces your Hospira’s when they make rounds on the units.
Attached is the Pump Distribution flyer to reference. We have added an even exchange when transferring patients between W&C and Main.

Janie Fielder and Emily Farmer with BD are making rounds on the units now if you have any questions at all.

Thank you,
Michele Durda, Pharm.D.
Medication Safety/Drug Utilization Pharmacist

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