Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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08/20/18 JA -- Cerner Pharmacist Training

From: Jack Adams
To: Pharmacists
Cc: Hilary Robertson, Jamilah Lane
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2018 5:10:49 PM
Subject: Cerner Pharmacist Training
Attachment: Cerner pharmacist training
We are in the process of scheduling each pharmacist to attend Cerner Pharmacy Core1 (C1) and Cerner Pharmacy Core2 (C2) classes.

All pharmacists that work in Central, UB, 5th, BMT, PSP, GMT, Plaza, W/C, and Madison will need to participate in these required classes and complete associated practice modules prior to Cerner golive. Details of the practice requirements will be shared during Cerner pharmacy classes.

Retail pharmacists will be scheduled for a different Cerner overview/support class - closer to go-live - more information to follow at a later date.

If you work with oncology patients you will be required to attend C1, C2 and a specialty pharmacy oncology class - yet to be scheduled.

If you work as a TOC pharmacist you will be required to attend C1, C2 and a specialty pharmacy TOC class - yet to be scheduled.

-Other specialty classes may be developed along the way, and we will make every effort to keep you informed.-

Classes are being developed for inpatient technicians, TOC technicians, and retail technicians as needed.

Attached is information related to where C1 and C2 classes will be held, housekeeping details, and a general training and education timeline.  Please read over this document prior to attending your first Cerner pharmacy training class.

If you have questions/concerns please let me know.

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