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08/20/18 BG -- labetalol vials and syringes on BACKORDER again!

From: Becky Ginn
Sent: 20 August, 2018 08:51 AM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: labetalol vials and syringes on BACKORDER again!
Attachment: Labetalol multidose vials flyer
We are once again experiencing an interruption in our supply of labetalol. Unfortunately both all vials and the 20 mg/4 mL syringes are affected this time.

Due to the syringe shortage, we are going to begin transitioning some of the high-use areas to using a multi-dose 20 mL vial instead of the 4 mL syringes.

NOTE: the vials and the syringes are the same concentration (5 mg/mL). Please see the attached flyer that describes the process for the nursing units. We will begin with the 8th floor units later today, and then add more nursing units at HH Main to this process throughout the week.

1. As units are transitioned to the multi-dose vials, the syringes will be removed from their machine.
2. The 20 mL multi-dose vials must be protected from light (kept in the box). When the 20 mL vials are dispensed by pharmacy, we will be placing a 28-day expiration date label on both the outside of the box and on the vial on the inside. These expiration date labels can be printed from MILT (under labetalol 6-barcode label entry).
3. During this time, some machines will have 20 mL vials and some will continue to have only the 4 mL syringes.

Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital

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