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12/21/2016 DA -- sugammadex interaction

From: "Daphne Arthur"

To: "Pharmacy"

Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2016 4:14:50 PM

Subject: sugammadex interaction


Sugammadex (BRIDION) is a first-in-class cyclodextrin that directly reverses neuromuscular blockade by forming a 1:1 complex with vecuronium and rocuronium. Sugammadex has a significant drug-drug interaction that decreases the efficacy of hormonal contraceptives.

We are working on a plan to ensure that patients of child-bearing potential are educated regarding the drug-drug interaction with oral contraceptives. Women of child-bearing age should be counseled to use a non-hormonal method (barrier) of contraception for 7 days post-op.

The drug is not currently loaded in any Pyxis machines but is available on the carousel. If an anesthesiologist orders sugammadex, please ensure that the education information is sent and the OR is informed of the interaction. For now a carenote will be placed with each vial currently on the carousel to send with the drug. 





Daphne Arthur, Pharm.D.

Huntsville Hospital Pharmacy Supervisor 

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