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08/08/18 DC -- Primary Stroke Certification 8/13

From: David Collette
Cc: Emily Behr, Julie Crane
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 9:07:29 AM
Subject: Primary Stroke Certification 8/13

We will be having a Joint Commission visit Monday, August 13th...for Primary Stroke Certification. This survey will primarily focus on areas where stroke patients are treated - ED and the 8th floor; however, surveyors can go anywhere in the hospital and talk to any employees.

Nellie will be the clin spec in NICU that day (first day back!) and Jeremy Ray is in ED, so they will almost certainly be involved in tracers. Jill will be the "3" and may also get pulled into a tracer, so please help with her que if it gets backed up.

I would like for the following people to take the following actions:

    * Emily Behr/Julie Crane - visit ED and 8th floor areas this week and perform a "clean sweep"
    * Nellie, Jill, Jeremy - perform clean sweep Monday morning (8/13) in prep for the survey
    * All pharmacists - take a quick look at your med rooms on Monday morning, correct any problems, and inform the nursing staff that TJC surveyors COULD be stopping by that day

Thanks for all your help with this preparation.

David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy

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