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12/15/2016 RC -- Phentolamine Inj. shortage

From: Richard Cramer []
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 1:02 PM
To: Pharmacists
Subject: Phentolamine Inj. shortage


Folks, due to the reoccuring national shortage of phentolamine injection, our supply is expected to continue to be very low for an unknown period of time.  The P and T Committee approved that phentolamine injection be restricted to catecholamine associated hypertensive urgency cases only (i.e. pheochromocytoma, amphetamine or MAOI overdose).  For cases of sympathomimetic extravasation, terbutaline should be used (this is currently on the extravasation order set); if phentolamine is ordered for extravasation separate from the order set, contact the prescriber for using terbutaline.  



Richard Cramer, Pharm. D., FASHP, BCGP

Drug Information Coordinator

Department of Pharmacy

Huntsville Hospital

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