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06/25/18 MT -- Adult ICU Continuous Paralytic Orders

From: Mickala M. Thompson
To: All Pharmacists
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 3:35:56 PM
Subject: Adult ICU Continuous Paralytic Orders


Since the adequacy of sedation and pain management cannot be assessed in patients on a continuous paralytic, we want to ensure that these patients are receiving continuous sedation with an appropriate sedative and continuous analgesia prior to paralytic initiation.

Prior to verifying the paralytic, please ensure opioid (morphine, DILAUDID, or fentaNYL) and sedative (propofol, LORazepam, or midazolam) infusions have been ordered. Please note that PRECEDEX does not provide adequate sedation for these patients and they may remember being paralyzed.

In the future, the continuous paralytic Powerplan within 1Chart will walk the provider through the appropriate pain and sedation options. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Mickala M. Thompson, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCNSP
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist

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