Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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06/22/18 SR -- Pharmacist Schedule Changes - July 16th

From: Samantha Rustamov
To: Pharmacists
Cc: Christina Ridgeway
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 2:37:55 PM
Subject: Pharmacist Schedule Changes - July 16th
Attachment: Order Verification Unit Assignments Jun 2018

Good afternoon,

It has become impossible to schedule current staff into existing assignments and we will have to temporarily collapse the Monday-Friday RPh schedule. There will be NO UB 12, and currently assigned units will be primarily absorbed by the UB 11. Please see below and attached for more details. These changes will be reflected on the 7/15-28 schedule and will go into effect Monday, July 16th. PCUs in HCS will be updated accordingly.

UB11 - 3E, 3W, CSSM
UB10 - 6NE
UB7 - 3NW
Q (T/t assist) - 5NE 11:30a-4:00p
*NOTE: changes to Sentri7 Review & Med Rec assignments*

These changes are being made to honor existing ETO requests, support Cerner build/training, and train new staff this summer. Please keep your colleagues in mind and offer assistance if you are able. This is likely the first of additional future schedule adjustments to accommodate Cerner 1Chart training this fall.

THANK YOU to all who have worked extra shifts and for your continued patience as we work to train new pharmacists and prepare for Cerner go-live. Please let me know if you have concerns or suggestions.

Samantha Rustamov, Pharm.D., BCPS
Supervisor, Pharmacy Professional Services

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