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06/18/18 BG -- Pharmacy Call Center - looking for techs to staff it!

From: Becky Ginn
Sent: 15 June, 2018 08:17 AM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: Pharmacy Call Center - looking for techs to staff it!


We are looking for technicians who would be interested in helping to develop/staff a new pharmacy call center. Initially, the call center will only answer incoming calls for HH Main Central Pharmacy, but the plan is, as we work out the kinks, to expand the call center to handle calls for other inpatient operation areas (PSP and HHWC Pharmacy).

There are many details to be sorted including:
1. what hours/days of operation & number of 'operators' during certain hours
2. location of the call center & phone line behavior
3. types of calls to be answered/completed vs. just forwarding the call to the operational area
4. how to log calls
5. training of the techs to areas in which they don't normally staff, etc.
6. many other questions to be answered and some questions that we don't even know now

If you would be interested in staffing a call center, please reply to this email to let me know. We know that every tech will eventually require some training so don't think that you're not qualified.

We want to get the 'pilot' up and running very soon!



Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital

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