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05/25/18 MD -- New IMS morphine PCA syringes

From: Michele Durda
Sent: 25 May, 2018 03:43 PM
To: Pharmacy Department
Subject: New IMS morphine PCA syringes

I wanted to give everyone a heads up about an issue that came up earlier today with one of the new IMS morphine PCA syringes we are using due to the backorder. A nurse on 4W wasn't able to get the PCA pump to recognize the syringe. It kept alarming and telling him that the clamp needed to be set. I went up there and suggested we try a different pump. The new pump worked and I took the old pump to Biomed for troubleshooting. I think it was an issue with the clamp on this particular pump - I'm hoping it is an isolated incident. However, I wanted to let everyone know in case this came up again over the weekend. You could potentially suggest that they try a different pump. Always feel free to refer pump questions to me - even over the weekend. My cell phone number is listed below.


Michele Durda, Pharm.D.
Medication Safety/Drug Utilization Pharmacist

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