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05/17/18 MD -- Float Position

From: Mary Dang
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 11:22:22 AM
Subject: Float Position

Good Morning,

In anticipation of Cerner training and tests needs, we will need a small pool (3-4) pharmacists that can be PULLED to cover clinical spec areas. These are not new FTEs/positions but are current ones that need to be redirected to help with the department's needs. As for how many shifts or how long, yet to be determined and are based on Cerner prep go-live, and post Cerner issues. What's the percent breakdown of covering clinical spec vs. current job assignemnts, not sure. Candidates must have completed a residency and have at least 6 months of working experience at our facility. If you're interested in an interview, please let me know by the end of business day next Friday (5/25/18).


Mary Dang, Pharm.D.
Manager of Pharmacy Professional Services Huntsville Hospital, Department of Pharmacy

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