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12/13/2016 CP -- Zosyn backorder

From: Chris Pamperin

Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 4:03 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: Zosyn backorder

Zosyn is on backorder again. To utilize our current supply, PSP will temporarily be making 3.375 g/NS 100 mL IVPBs from the 2.25 g vials. This requires a change in iCare to get all the zosyn 3.375 g labels to come to PSP instead of going through pyxis. PSP will send these on batch, so if you receive calls from nursing, let them know they are coming from PSP instead of from Pyxis.

UBs - on Tuesday 12/13 - Check Sentri-7 IV room/central tab for current Zosyn 3.375 mini bag plus orders and re-enter (modify will not work) after 12 noon. This does apply to W/C also. Will let everyone know when to revert back to normal process.

Let me know of questions, thanks


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