Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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05/04/18 JA -- Cerner Update and Opportunity for Pharmacist Involvement

From: Jack Adams
To: Pharmacists
Cc: Cissy Estes
Sent: Friday, May 4, 2018 6:01:37 PM
Subject: Cerner Update and Opportunity for Pharmacist Involvement

As you know, we have been working to design and build the new Cerner environment - scheduled to go live during the first week of Nov 2017. If you are interested in helping with this project, please see the "Summer and Fall Planning" section as listed below. Background information and a May update are included below for your review.

Our Cerner project is broken down into thousands of individual steps and hundreds of interlocking timelines across multiple departments with overlapping dependencies.
For the purposes of this email I have broken down the initial Cerner Go-live Project into 6 large categories of work with overlapping dates.
1 - Design - Oct 2017 - Mar 2018
2 - Build - Jan - July 2018
3 - Validation (Testing) - May - Aug 2018
4 - Training - Aug - Oct 2018
5 - Go-live - Nov 2018
6 - Post Go-live support - Nov - Dec 2018 and beyond

May 2017 Update:

On May 14th we will begin the initial phase of testing. Many of the pharmacist supervisors will be involved with this initial phase and a few specialized resources (pharmacists) to assist with certain aspects of validation (i.e. chemotherapy orders, neonate TPNs, ED orders, procedural workflow). Our goal is to have the majority of departmental testing/validation completed by individuals that have NOT been building.

This strategy allows us to accomplish the following:
  1. Validate current workflows and order sets already built by Cerner and the HH pharmacy design team.

  2. Identify problems/issues with current design/build and collect independent suggestions for improvement.

  3. Orientate/Expose additional pharmacists to the Cerner environment as we prepare for training and system conversion.

Summer and Fall Planning:

In June/July we will move into phase 2 of testing. Phase 2 of testing will utilize multidisciplinary integrated test scripts. We will need pharmacists, supervisors, and clinical specialists involved to independently run designated test scripts.

In August we will designate a group of superusers (pharmacists) to participate in train the trainer sessions. Following these classes, we will put together a training schedule that will be used by trainers to educate/mentor and support staff during the next 10 weeks (Aug 20 - Nov 2nd) as they attend class and complete the required training scripts and practice hours.

In November and December we will need a group of pharmacists willing to serve as "superusers" for issues as they arise especially on evenings and weekends.

** If you are a pharmacist and interested in helping with June - Dec 2018 tasks as listed above (integrated testing, trained as a trainer, designated as a superuser) - Please reply to this email before the end of next week (Friday May 11th). We are working now to put together a plan for these critical components. Please copy Cissy Estes our new Admin Assistant and we will set up a time to discuss your area of interest. Call or text if you have any questions.



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