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05/02/18 SR -- Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) Update/Reminders

From: Samantha Rustamov
Sent: 02 May, 2018 05:37 PM
To: Pharmacy Department
Subject: Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) Update/Reminders

Did everyone hear the CODE MH called today?? Please take some time to review the following:

Who responds to a CODE MH?
Anesthesiologist and/or additional physicians, CRNA, Anesthesia Technician, Respiratory Therapist, and Code 0 ICU RN

Where are the MH carts and MH kits located and who takes them to a CODE MH?
MH carts: HHM OR (1), W&C OR (1), and GMT OR (1)
MH kits are loaded in the following Pyxis devices: ANESTHESIA, WC_OR-1, and GMT-OR
If a CODE MH is called, the anesthesia technician retrieves the MH cart and MH kit from the nearest location.

What is included in the MH kit retrieved from the Pyxis?
The "MH *REF* KIT" contains 3 liters of cooled saline and 1 vial of regular insulin. These kits are prepared by the surgery pharmacy technicians in RxVerify. Should you need to refill a Pyxis device, there is always one kit made and available on the carousel in Central Pharmacy (refrigerator 18).

What is the dosing for dantrolene (RYANODEX) and where is it located?
The dantrolene dose is 2.5 mg/kg IV (3 X 250 mg vials in each MH cart, reconstitute with sterile water); maintenance dose is 1 mg/kg IV q 4-6 hrs x 24-48 hours or 0.25 mg/kg/hr.

Do pharmacists respond to a CODE MH?

No. If more dantrolene is needed, someone will call ext. 58282 and say "I need to speak to a pharmacist. I am in a code/emergency". The pharmacist in central pharmacy can just tube the dantrolene.

Samantha Rustamov, Pharm.D., BCPS
Supervisor, Pharmacy Professional Services

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