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04/23/18 AO -- Chemotherapy Policy

From: Amanda Ouzts
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 9:53:16 AM
Subject: Chemotherapy Policy
Attachment: Chemotherapy Prescribing, Verification and Dose-Rounding


I have attached the official chemotherapy prescribing, verification, and dose rounding policy that is now in effect. This policy was approved by the oncology subcommittee of P&T, the hospital P&T, and the hospital policies and procedures committee. The oncologists are aware of this policy and that it is now in effect. Below are some highlighted changes/additions within the policy:

-Chemotherapy cut-off time of 4 pm on weekdays and noon on weekends/holidays (see policy for exceptions)
-Pharmacy is no longer able to accept verbal/phone/text chemotherapy orders.  Chemotherapy orders must be written on chemotherapy physicians order form (see policy for more information)
-Dose rounding of chemotherapy and immunotherapy +/- 10%

If you receive a chemotherapy order outside of the above cut-off times and it does not fall under the exceptions (see policy) or receive a chemotherapy order via one of the above listed methods that is not approved please contact the prescribing oncologist and refer to this policy. Requirements for pertinent information on the chemotherapy orders has not changed; therefore, a pharmacist will still have to re-write chemotherapy orders with all of the required information or a fill out a protocol (if available)  and place the order/protocol in the chart once entered into iCare. Please let me, Brittney, or Patrick know if you have any questions!

Have a great day!

Amanda Ouzts, Pharm.D., BCPS
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Oncology Huntsville Hospital

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