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04/17/18 DC -- ondansetron multi-dose vials

From: David Collette
To: Charge Nurses, Nurse Managers, grp allpharm
Cc: Education Council, Tracy Doughty
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 1:25:47 PM
Subject: ondansetron multi-dose vials
Attachment: ondansetron Multi-Dose Flyer

In an effort to continue supplying ondansetron injection for patients who cannot take PO, we will be dispensing 20 mL multi-dose vials to certain high use areas, eventually rolling out the process house wide if the shortage continues as expected. If your unit is supplied with multi-dose ondanserton vials, the attached flier will be posted in the med room. This process will begin tomorrow and continue for several days until completed. Please discuss this in your Huddles/Staff meetings and remind nurses to follow ALL steps listed on the flier. It is especially important to minimize waste with the 20 mL vials and to use each vial until it is empty (unless it has reached its beyond use date or appears contaminated).

This is a short-term step and will only extend our supply a few weeks if the shortage continues. Pharmacists and nurses should work together to switch patients to PO ondansetron (oral disintegrating tablets or regular tables) whenever possible as first-line prevention/treatment of nausea.

Thanks for your attention to this matter and for helping us combat yet another drug shortage! DAVID
David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services

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