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04/16/18 JA -- Crystal Mountain Water Addition

From: Jack Adams 
Sent: 16 April, 2018 03:57 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: Crystal Mountain Water Addition

Today we started the process to add water from Crystal Mountain to multiple pharmacy locations.

If your area has a designated space for coffee and refrigerated lunch storage, then your area most likely qualifies for this addition.

Based on the availability of a sink; counter top space vs. floor space; and availability to store 5 gallon water containers,
areas received one of the following options:

1. Free standing tower - NOT connected to a water source - tower with 5 gallon refill containers
2. Free standing tower connected to a water source - filter in the line and UV light filtration 
3. Counter Top model connected to a water source - filter in the line and UV light filtration

If you believe your area should have received a different option, please let your supervisor know.
We will re-evaluate in 30 days and make changes/additions/subtractions/relocations if needed.


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