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04/16/18 DC -- URGENT SHORTAGE - please read now!

From: David Collette
To: grp allpharm
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 9:14:46 AM
Subject: ondansetron shortage update

I have received several replies to my urgent request to change patients from IV ondansetron to another product. Based on these replies, please review the following info before you make changes:

    * ondansetron IV was approximately 29 cents per dose
    * our first choice for an alternative is ondansetron ODT (or regular tab), which costs about the same as (or less than) the IV
    * if parenteral route is needed, promethazine IM is approximately $1 per dose
    * if an IV 5-HT3 is needed, Kytril is about $4 per dose and is on formulary
    * suppositories are NOT that cost effective, costing about $6 each for promethazine and prochlorperazine
    * injectable prochlorperazine is $9 per dose
    * we should NOT be switching to Tigan ($29 per dose) or Aloxi ($100 per dose)

Thanks for your help with this shortage. If we are unable to obtain further supply, we will be out of ondansetron in about 2 weeks. DAVID
From: David Collette
To: grp allpharm
Cc: Keith Moss
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 3:49:51 PM
Subject: URGENT SHORTAGE - please read now!
We have just found out that ondansetron injection 4 mg in 2 mL is on indefinite backorder and we have about a two week's supply on hand. We need pharmacists to take the following actions ASAP:
  • identify adult patients who are receiving IV ondansetron (Travis is building a Sentri-7 rule to help identify these patients)
  • convert appropriate patients to oral or ODT ondansetron (Keith is ordering both, so we will have a plentiful supply, at least in the short term) - be sure to work with nursing to make the switch in appropriate patients (especially oncology patients)
  • if oral/ODT administration is not an option, other possibilities include:
    • promethazine injection (IM) - <$1
    • promethazine or prochlorperazine supp (about $6 each)
    • prochlorperazine injection (about $9 per dose)
    • granisetron (Kytril) - $4 per dose
  • We are evaluating other options (such as using multi-dose vials much like we did with labetalol) and will keep you informed of any further changes.
Thanks for all that you do to take care of our patients! DAVID

David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services

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