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12/01/2016 GK -- Clin Spec Swing Shift

From: Gregg Knowles

To: Pharmacists

Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2016 12:47:07 PM

Subject: Clin spec swing shift


There seems to be some confusion recently regarding what time of the day swing shift is done covering NSS/PKS and codes/heart alerts/delivering tpa for stroke alerts.

In 2014 these responsibilities were sent out to staff, so none of this is new.  Just a refresher:


  1. Swing shift will do all NSS/PKS for consults received prior to 1800. At 1800, the unit based pharmacist takes over for their      assigned units.
  1. Swing shift will attend all codes/heart alerts/delivering tpa for stroke alerts that are called prior to 1900. So if a code is called at 1855, swing shift is responsible for responding and staying for the duration of the code. 


Even though the UB6 is now in the ED, we still want swing shift responding to heart alerts.  This may change as we see how the UB6 is working out.  But for now the swing position continues to go.

Let me know if there are questions.



Gregg K.



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