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04/02/18 GK -- IV dilTIAZem

From: Gregg Knowles
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 10:29:09 AM
Subject: IV dilTIAZem

To All,

We are running critically low again on IV dilTIAZem.  In March, our monthly allotment came just in time to avoid running out.  It does not appear we will have such luck in April.  We have about a 1-2 day supply of IV dilTIAZem left and are not expecting our allotment till around the 10th.  Remember that alternatives are PO CardiZEM, IV metoprolol schedule q6h, esmolol drip, verapamil drip.  There is no data regarding which of these options is best.  PO CardiZEM and IV metoprolol are the least expensive.  Each esmolol drip is about $300. Certain verapamil vials are on backorder and to make a drip with what is available ends up costing about $600 per bag.  I will send out another email when our supply of dilTIAZem is exhausted, as well as when our allotment arrives.


Gregg Knowles, PharmD
Huntsville Hospital Pharmacy

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