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03/28/18 RC -- New Shingles Vaccine - for Intervention Update

Shingrix is a new shingles vaccine that is much more effective than Zostavax.  However, there are some differences between the 2 vaccines, and ISMP has issued an alert that these differences may lead to medication errors and Shingrix being ineffective.  Four important differences are: 1) Shingrix is given as 2 doses, 0.5 ml at time 0 and 2-6 months later, Zostavax is given as 1 dose only  2)The volume of Shingrix dose is 0.5 mL, for Zostavax it is 0.65 mL  3) Shingrix is given IM, Zostavax sub-Q.  4) Shingrix is stored at normal refrigeration temperature, Zostavax stored in freezer.  The ACIP has recommended that Shingrix be the shingles vaccine of choice going forward, and it was recently approved for formulary use, with Zostavax being deleted from the formulary, implementation date of Shingrix as only shingles vaccine at HH is TBA. 

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