Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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03/20/18 JA -- Pharmacy Technician Training Program - Update #2

From: Jack Adams  
Sent: 19 March, 2018 04:35 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: Pharmacy Technician Training Program - Update #2
Attachment: PharmTechProgramJobDescription

We are currently recruiting for our second class of pharmacy technician students.  We hope to begin this class April 23rd. If you know of someone that would be a good fit for our student training program, please encourage them to apply soon!  We hope to fill remaining openings in the next few weeks. 

A summary of the training program and basic requirements of the student job description is attached.

Leah Burns is coordinating our recruiting efforts. Supervisors/coordinators from each functional area will be involved in the selection, training, and evaluation process prior to job placement - similar to the process used for the first class. 
To formally apply to the Pharmacy Technician Training Program follow the steps listed below.

1. Go to the Huntsville Hospital System Official Site -
2. Click on Careers
3. Click on Search for Open Positions
4. For Job Category  - select technicians
5. For keyword  - type in "pharmacy"
6. Click on Search
8. Select - Apply Now

If you have questions/concerns regarding this program, or the process to apply, please let us know.

Thanks for helping us promote this valuable program.

Jack Adams, R.Ph.
Pharmacy Operations Manager

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