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11/29/2016 JS -- New UAB faculty

From: "Jonathan W Spry"
To: "Pharmacy Clinical Specialist"
Cc: "Taylor Steuber" <>
Hello all,

Taylor Steubner has started rounding with the UAB teams.  He is the new UAB faculty member who has filled the role previously held by Kurt Wargo.  He has shown some interest in following the folders that correlate with the patients on his team.  After meeting with Gregg and I it was determined that we would hold onto folders and still be responsible for them (since Taylor will not be here on weekends, holiday, days he has duties at Auburn, etc) with Taylor following his patients in a similar way as Kurt did and contacting the specific clinical specialist if he wishes to adjust the dose, check a level, etc.  Also Taylor mentioned that if he was to start a dose of something we would be following that he would contact the clinical specialist and discuss with them concerning who needs to start the folder, put in database, etc.  If you have any questions let me know or you can contact Taylor at (573) 355-2171.


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