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03/14/18 CP -- Concetrated Sodium Chloride Backorder

From: Chris Pamperin
To: PharmTechs PSP, Pharmacists PSP
Cc: Pharmacy Backorder Committee
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 8:33:21 AM
Subject: Concetrated Sodium Chloride Backorder

Concentrated sodium chloride is on backorder (likely until September), the following changes start today.

TPNs: Clin specs have been asked to reduce sodium chloride in TPN bags by using sodium acetate and sodium phos when able. We did receive a shipment of 14.6% sodium chloride vials that will be used exclusively on the TPN compounder. The sodium chloride will be drawn into bulk syringes and will be labeled with a pink 14.6% sodium chloride sticker in addition to the ABACUS barcode and MILT label. See the attached picture for a possible look alike issue with sodium phoshpate vials. This will require about 2x the volume of our normal sodium chloride 23.4% product, so dilution errors could potentially be an issue.

1/4NS: For adults the nephrologists have approved not using 1/4NS. If you receive an order for 1/4NS contact the verifying pharmacist to get orders for alternate therapy. (Recommendations include 1/2NS if possible or alternating 1/2NS with D5W. There is a very limited supply of commercially available D5W 1/4NS in the IV room).

Let me know of questions, thanks


Chris Pamperin, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Supervisor

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