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03/12/18 MD -- Plum Pump and Alaris Pump Drug Library Update - 3/13/18

From: Michele Durda
To: Unit Directors, Charge Nurses, Education Council
Cc: David Ferson, Pharmacists
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 1:18:01 PM
Subject: Plum Pump and Alaris Pump Drug Library Update - 3/13/18
Attachment: Which CCA

A number of changes are being made to the drug libraries for the Plum Pumps and Alaris Pumps starting Tuesday, March 13. Reminders with update instructions will be sent out after the libraries are pushed out.

Important Plum Pump Change:

Addition of a Helen Keller CCA (clinical care area) - Helen Keller has purchased some Plum Pumps and will have a CCA of their own in our drug library. HH nurses will continue to use the CCA they typically use. HH nurses should not use the Helen Keller CCA due to differences in standard concentrations. Open the attachment to see how to identify which CCA you are using.

Changes for both the Plum Pump and Alaris libraries:

New nitroPRUSSide concentration (pre-mixed product) replaces old standard concentrations; New double-strength esmolol concentration will be used in addition to our current concentration; dilTIAZem entries adjusted to allow administration of a bolus from the bag

Please contact me with questions about the libraries.
Michele Durda, Pharm.D.
Medication Safety/Drug Utilization Pharmacist Huntsville Hospital

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